The VISPS program creates a low-cost, third-party option for farmers to verify non-GMO, “HC Free”, or transitional crops. By enrolling in VISPS, a producer can qualify his or her operation as a Smart Farm. Designating products with the Smart Farm brand can provide premiums from buyers that demand traceability and clear standards for value-added goods that they procure.
Third-party verification represents a hallmark of the VISPS program. VISPS producers must receive verification from a third party to ensure that their production meets the necessary standards.
* Transitional and “HC Free” producers must also undergo inspections and keep activity logs.
You will have to fill out a farm plan on an annual basis to continue receiving VISPS verification. The required paperwork includes farm maps, seed tags, and seed purchase records for all verification levels. In addition, Transitional and “HC Free” producers must submit input labels and purchase records.